Auman Museum of Radio & Television

215 North Tuscarawas Avenue, Dover, Ohio 44622, United States
215 North Tuscarawas Avenue Dover Ohio 44622 US

Take a look into history and enjoy the sights and sounds of years gone by as you experience two of our greatest pastimes, radio and television, from their beginnings. The museum has on display mechanical televisions from the 1920’s and 30’s, a 1939 RCA TV from the New York World’s Fair, Marconi’s first TV from 1938, the first color TV (1954) and many, many more. Our visitors can view many games, toys and comic books relating tot he very early shows of the 1940’s and 50’s, along with props from movies and TV shows. Memorabilia from early Cleveland TV includes Dick Goddard’s first weather gauges and posters of the Gene Carroll show. Relive your memories as you view scenes from various vintage shows.

Admission by appointment. Bus tours are welcome.